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Hong Kong Biodiversity Database


Hong Kong Biodiversity Database

General Information
Mugil cephalus
Grey mullet
Animal Group: Freshwater Fish
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Mugilidae
Other Common Name(s): Striped mullet
Description: The Grey Mullet has a cylindrical and elongated body with a blunt snout and a small upturned mouth and adipose eyelid. The two dorsal fins are well-separated. The first dorsal fin is longer and has four obvious spines. The pectoral fins are short (not reaching the first dorsal fin) and placed high on back. It has a bluish-grey or greenish back which becomes silvery on the sides. There are 6-7 indistinct black horizontal stripes along its body.
Conservation Status
AFCD Assessment
  • Common
Distribution in Hong Kong
  • Widespread in estuaries and marine environment in Hong Kong
Global Distribution
  • Widespread in coastal waters of the tropical and subtropical areas, inlucding China, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines. The grey mullet is a popular foodfish and widely cultured in southeast Asia.
Photo Gallery
  • Chen I.S. and Fang L.S. (1999). The Freshwater and Estuarine Fishes of Taiwan (in Chinese). National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium, Pingtung.
  • Lam, K. S. (2002). Freshwater Fish in Hong Kong. Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Friends of the Country Parks and Cosmos Books Ltd., Hong Kong.
  • Lee, V. L. F., Lam, S. K. S., Ng, F. K. Y., Chan, T. K. T. and Young, M. L. C. (2004). Field Guide to the Freshwater Fish of Hong Kong.Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Friends of the Country Parks and Cosmos Books Ltd., Hong Kong